common fat-tailed mouse opossum 뜻
- 작은살찐꼬리쇠주머니쥐
- common: 공통의, 공동의, 공유의, 사회일반의,
- mouse: , Minimum Orbital Unmanned Satellite of Earth
- opossum: noun, 미국남부산 주머니쥐, play ~ 죽은
- argentine fat-tailed mouse opossum: 아르헨티나살찐꼬리쇠주머니쥐
- cinderella fat-tailed mouse opossum: 신데렐라살찐꼬리쇠주머니쥐
- dwarf fat-tailed mouse opossum: 난쟁이살찐꼬리쇠주머니쥐
- elegant fat-tailed mouse opossum: 엘레강스살찐꼬리쇠주머니쥐
- karimi's fat-tailed mouse opossum: 카리미살찐꼬리쇠주머니쥐
- paraguayan fat-tailed mouse opossum: 파라과이살찐꼬리쇠주머니쥐
- tate's fat-tailed mouse opossum: 테이트살찐꼬리쇠주머니쥐
- buff-bellied fat-tailed mouse opossum: 담황색배살찐꼬리쇠주머니쥐
- white-bellied fat-tailed mouse opossum: 흰배살찐꼬리쇠주머니쥐
- bare-tailed woolly mouse opossum: 민털꼬리양털쇠주머니쥐
- common opossum: 북아메리카주머니쥐
- fat mouse: 살찐생쥐
기타 단어
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